West Valley, UT

Hazel Park, MI
(248) 629-0936

Looking for Drug Treatment in Hazel Park, Michigan?

Addiction can be painful and frightening, but you are not alone! In fact, you are in the right place. Are you interested in learning more about addiction recovery and finding an addiction treatment center that fits your needs? The experts at Spirit Behavioral, our Hazel Park, Michigan drug rehab center, are here to help.


Why Go To an Addiction Treatment Center?

Do you or somebody you love have a problem with alcohol or drugs? If you’ve tried to quit using but have had trouble doing it on your own, we’re here to help.


Call Spirit Behavioral to find out more about your options. You’re never alone and there’s never a better time to quit. You don’t have to hit bottom to get help.


Why Choose an Addiction Recovery Program?

Addiction can affect every aspect of your life. Our Hazel Park, Michigan drug rehab clinic gives you the tools to help you defeat addiction. You’ll learn to cope with issues that drugs may have helped you avoid. You’ll also have privacy and a safe, compassionate place to learn to live your life in the best possible way, without the use of alcohol or drugs.


Some people don’t only have a substance abuse disorder. Some people come to us with a co-occurring mental health disorder. Our staff is experienced with the treatment of these disorders and can help you meet the challenges that you face. If you have not been diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder, you may still be screened. Some clients come to Spirit Behavioral with untreated co-occurring mental health issues, and we help them get the treatment they need for these issues.


Our Hazel Park, Michigan drug rehab center takes time to help each client create a treatment program that helps fit their needs. Everyone has their own triggers and backgrounds, so it’s important that the program we create takes these needs into consideration.


Getting Clean in Drug Rehab


Opioids and other highly addictive substances usually require supervised detox. The trained and professional staff members at our Hazel Park, Michigan drug detox clinic are there for clients every step of the way. We will make sure you are comfortable and have a structured, supportive environment while your body heals.


Our Addiction Treatment Facility

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions if you have concerns about our Hazel Park, Michigan drug rehab center. Many people enter a substance abuse treatment facility without knowing what to expect, but we are here to offer answers to any questions which you might have.


A Professional and Supportive Environment

The facilities at Spirit Behavioral are clean, safe, and compassionately staffed. We pride ourselves on helping people reach recovery and learn to live their lives drug-free. It doesn’t matter where you came from, only where you are going.


We want you to claim the addiction-free lives that you deserve in a judgment-free environment.


Do you or somebody you know have a problem with alcohol or drugs? Are you worried that you’re spiraling out of control? Call our drug rehab center our drug rehab center in Hazel Park, Michigan to learn more about your treatment options.